Friday, December 4, 2009

NEW! .hack// Teleporter/Poofer!

Konnichiwa all! Thanks to the scripting marvel of Conflicting Destiny, .:.OtakuDzNs.:. now has a new hot item for sale! .hack// fans may rejoice!

Now you can look ultra cool with this new teleportation animation and avatar poofer! //The World Alpha Admin Teleporter, only 100L! Check it out :D

<3 Ayame Fujita

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Black Friday 50% off everything!!!

.:.OtakuDzNs.:. is now chopping the prices in half off everything in the store, but this sale will only last from midnight, November 27th, to 11:59PM. Come shop and make great savings! Buy holiday gifts for friends and family!

Note: If buying a gift for someone else, please IM Ayame Fujita with the person's name so I can send them the desired item since all of my items are no trans. Thank you and happy holidays!

Click HERE to TP to my main store!